We at Akasha blends reveal our soul to you
We at Akasha blends want to support and inspire you, both physically and mentally, through our products and their effect. We want to challenge you to follow your heart’s desire. We want you to accept and celebrate your inner and outer beauty.
We invite you to read more about the story behind the "Akasha blends" name and at the origin of its creation, by clicking on the following buttons. And if you keep scrolling down on this page, you can find a detailed list of the diplomas and trainings completed by Akasha blends' founder Inge.
The root of the Sanskrit word ‘Akasha’ means: ‘to shine’ or ‘to radiate’. Our focus as a brand is guided by this meaning.
In order to shine, we need to feel good about ourselves. Our products will help you feel and spread your glow even more. We also care to inspire you as much as possible by transmitting our mind-set.
There’s nobody more beautiful than you when you are fully present and happy. We encourage you to be soft and to embrace yourself, but also to stay wild, connecting with your purest form. Awaken your beauty and show your radiating self to the world!
We are committed to carrying on researching what makes us shine in life and gives us a beautiful glow and to, accordingly, keeping on developing ourselves and Akasha blends!
Follow what makes you sparkle.
Cherish your fire!
Mijn opleidingen/cursussen/trainingen
Hier is een overzicht van de verschillende opleidingen, cursussen en trainingen en die ik door de jaren heen heb gevolgd.
Tegenwoordig ben ik o.a. leerkracht van mijn zelfontworpen star facial treatment “The whole Shabang” bij Guasha centrum Santai.
- Tarot opleiding Monique v/d Klooster
- Cursus Aromatherapie Valerie’s Aroma atelier
- Dermatherapie op natuurlijke basis Civas opleidingen
- Japanse gezichtsmassage Total Health
- Guasha gezichtsbehandeling Santai
- Dien Chan Zone operator A.I.R.F.I Beatrice Moricoli
- Gua sha facial fusion Cecily Braden
- Anti aging acupunctuur Wellness academie
- Ear seeding – Auricular therapie Auckland School of Reflexology
- Guasha opleiding (lichaam) Santai
- Facial gua sha 1-2-3, the 6 weeks challenge Komorebi Institute
- Quantum facelift Level 1 and 2 Jackie van Ruler
- Five elements facial flow Jackie van Ruler
- Crystal Spoon-Stone and Ball Cosmo Lifting Lone Sorensen
- Cosmo Facial Online Course Lone Sorensen
- Mian Xiang The art of Chinese facereading Mieke Fraussen
- Facial Reflex Therapy Lone Sorensen
- SRT basic and Advanced class Spiritual Response Association
- Ur-academie Monique Timmers