Handsome design by @thealchemyofdesign
‘Akasha’, in Sanskrit, comes from the word ‘kas’ or ‘kash’, which means ‘to shine’ or ‘to radiate’.
It is also a term for either ‘space’ or ‘ether’ and has many more meanings (varying based on the religion). Another meaning that is often seen is ‘the archive of the soul’.
The archive of the soul is a ‘place’ that some of us can reach. It is then giving us all the information from our current and past lives. Some people had the gift to connect to the Akasha, such as Edgar Cayce and Rudolf Steiner.
Nowadays it is possible for everybody to get access to the Akasha.
The most common way to access your Akasha is through a special prayer. You can ask questions in a ‘what, why or how’ form. Everybody’s Akasha has its own Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones. They will give you information, but only if you are ready to receive it. Everything has its own timing in life and sometimes you are just not ready for a next step. The answers that are given will come through your senses. For example, you can hear them in your head, see images, smell something or get certain feelings. Lots of times, answers are a bit vague and not crystal-clear, but they will mean something to YOU. How do you know? Because your heart will resonate! Or because you will get that shiver that makes you just KNOW that it is right. This is probably a feeling that you have already had a couple of times in your life. You will recognise it!
The Akasha should always be read with your senses so the messages stay pure before your brain gets a chance to make something out of it.
After a reading, you thank your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones. Then it is time to close the Akasha, again with a special prayer. It is advised to immediately make some quick notes of what you have experienced. You can compare the experience to a dream: Right after you wake up you still remember the details, but shortly after it all gets blurry.

Another awesome design by @thealchemyofdesign
Why is the Akasha interesting:
If you are searching for bigger answers, for personal growth, if you have that feeling that you cannot put your finger on or if you are looking for the best way to solve something; But also, if you are an artist in search of inspiration or just for help and guidance, the Akasha can mean something for you.
Of course, you can read some books (see below) and give it a try for yourself but if that is not for you, Akasha coaches can for sure be a good solution. They can open your Akasha for you and read (only with your acceptance) your archive for you.
If you want to know more about the Akasha, here are some books that might be of interest to you:
By Linda Howe: How to read the Akashic records; De Akasha kronieken (Dutch version); Healing through the Akashic records; Discover your soul’s path through the Akashic records.
By Helena Struik and Fred Teunissen: Een hemels avontuur (only in Dutch).
By Thorsten Weiss: Leven vanuit je Akasha (Dutch version; only available in that version or in German).
To find Akasha coaches, just type in Google ‘Akasha reading coach in <your country>’ and something relevant will probably pop up!